

作者:    发布:2020-10-29 14:45    点击量:

张帆 简历

yl8cc永利线路检测中心,yl23455永利,教授。主持中国国家自然科学基金项目 2 项,作为主要研究人员参与中国国家自然科学基金面上项目 3 项、法国国家核废料处理局研究课题3 项。 发表学术文章 19 篇,其中被 SCI 收录 14 篇,被 EI 收录 5 篇。课题研究报告 2 篇。指导硕士研究生11名,指导博士研究生1名。自主研制了地质材料THMC全耦合实验系统1套,获得国家专利授权5项。承担《渗流力学》等本科及《环境岩土力学》等研究生课程教学工作。

手机为:18907137162 邮箱为531606164@qq.com


2008/9 - 2012/2,法国里尔科技大学,土木工程,博士

2007/9 - 2008/7,法国里尔科技大学,土木工程,硕士

2004/9 - 2007/7,中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,岩土工程,硕士

2000/9 - 2004/7,太原理工大学,土木工程,学士


2012/2 - 至今,yl8cc永利线路检测中心,yl23455永利岩土与道路工程系,教授



2国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51209085,THMC 耦合条件下花岗岩裂隙力学和渗透性细观演化机理及其多尺度模型研究、2013/01-2015/12,25万元,已结题,主持。


[1Zhang F, Duan Zhibo, Frederic Skoczylas, Jian Fu Shao*. About the interest of using gas to evaluate permeability of damaged granite. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2017, 21(2), . 1080/ 19648189. 2015.1110058.

[2 Zhang, F., Hu, D.W., Xie, S.Y., Shao, J.F*. Influences of temperature and water content on mechanical property of argillite (2014) European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 18 (2), pp. 173-189.

[3Zhang, F., Jia, Y.*, Bian, H.B., Duveau, G. Modeling the influence of water content on the mechanical behavior of Callovo-Oxfordian argillite (2013) Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 65, pp. 79-89.

[4Zhang, F., Xie, S.Y., Hu, D.W., Shao, J.F.*, Gatmiri, B. Effect of water content and structural anisotropy on mechanical property of claystone (2012) Applied Clay Science, 69, pp. 79-86.

[5Zhang, F., Rougelot, T.*, Burlion, N. Porosity of concrete: Influence of test conditions and material variability (2012) European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 16 (3-4), pp. 311-321.

[6张帆,王亮,赵建建等.花岗岩张拉和压剪裂隙渗透率演化研究,岩土力学 2016,37(10): 2803-2809.

[7张帆,唐永生,刘造保,邵建富,盛  谦,周  辉. COx黏土岩三轴压缩蠕变特性及速率阈值试验研究, 岩石力学与工程学报,2017,Vol. 36  Issue (3): 644-649。

[8张帆,周辉,吕涛,胡大伟,盛谦,胡其志. CO2注入下岩层变形和流体运移分析(I): 两相流-岩层耦合模型,岩土力学,2014 vol.35(9): 2549-2554.

[9张帆,周辉,吕涛,胡大伟,盛谦,肖本林.二氧化碳注入下岩层变形和流体运移分析:(II) 实例分析.岩土力学,2014vol.35(10): 2888-2893.

[10 张帆,盛谦,朱泽奇,张勇慧. 三峡花岗岩峰后力学特性及应变软化模型研究,岩石力学与工程学报,2008 年7 月第27 卷,增1:2651-2655。

[11Hu, D.W., Zhang, F., Shao, J.F. Experimental study of poromechanical behavior of saturated claystone under triaxial compression. (2014) ActaGeotechnica, 9 (2), pp. 207-214.

[12Hu, D., Zhou, H., Zhang, F., Shao, J. Modeling of short- and long-term chemomechanical coupling behavior of cement-based materials (2014) Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 140 (1), pp. 206-218.

[13Hu, D.W., Zhang, F., Shao, J.F., Gatmiri, B. Influences of mineralogy and water content on the mechanical properties of argillite (2014) Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 47 (1), pp. 157-166.

[14 Hu, D., Zhou, H., Zhang, F., Shao, J., Zhang, J. Modeling of inherent anisotropic behavior of partially saturated clayey rocks (2013) Computers and Geotechnics, 48, pp. 29-40.

[15 Zhou, H., Hu, D., Zhang, F., Shao, J. A thermo-plastic/viscoplastic damage model for geomaterials (2011) ActaMechanicaSolidaSinica, 24 (3), pp. 195-208.

[16Hu, D.W., Zhou, H., Zhang, F., Shao, J.F. Evolution of poroelastic properties and permeability in damaged sandstone (2010) International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 47 (6), pp. 962-973.

[17Hui Zhou, Dawei Hu*, Fan Zhang, Jianfu Shao and Xiating Feng. Laboratory investigations on the hydro-mechanical-chemical coupling behavior of sandstone in CO2 storage in aquifer. Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering, 2015 10.1007/s00603-015-0752-8.

[18Hui Zhou, Haitao Liu, Dawei Hu*, Fanjie Yang, Jingjing Lu, Fan Zhang. Anisotropies in Mechanical Behaviour, Thermal Expansion and P-Wave Velocity of Sandstone with Bedding Planes. Rock Mechanics & Rock Engineering, DOI 2016 10.1007/s00603-016-1016-y.

[19Hui Zhou, Haitao Liu, Dawei Hu*, Fan Zhang, Fanjie Yang, Jingjing Lu, Estimation of effective thermal properties of cracked rocks, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 10.1080/19648189. 2015. 1084386.